Wanna know ‘What the Deal with Hemp Protein Is? But have no idea where to start? Don’t worry, here’s everything you need to know about plant-based protein.
The practice of consuming a high-protein diet isn’t a modern world invention. Instead, ancient warriors, since forgotten times, understood and utilized the practice of consuming a heavy meat diet to build strength and muscle.
But it was the 20th century when the revolution truly came. The fitness community began to tap into the potential of milk and eggs for supplementation for muscle gain. Soon, the use of concentrated powdered whole milk and cheese solid, AKA protein powder, became the staple in modern nutrition. It was a triumph for advancements in our recognition of better nutrition, fitness, and dietary needs.
However, today, industrialized protein powder has completely ruined this sentiment. From flashy advertisements to cheap ingredients to horrible conditions for cattle, consuming protein powder has become a risky endeavor.
This is where hemp protein powder comes into the picture. From sustainable cultivation methods and 9 essential amino acids to culinary versatility and even an additional advantage like its allergen-free nature, hemp protein is, without a doubt, a superfood.
In this blog, we will go into detail about what makes it such a superfood that it makes it the perfect alternative to whey protein and even other plant-based proteins.
Interested? Let’s explore!
What Is Hemp Protein?
Firstly, let’s understand the plant and its connection to marijuana. It’s important to properly dispel any misconceptions you might have due to their connection to the psychoactive components of marijuana and cannabis plants.

Hemp Protein
While it is true that it is from the same family of plants as cannabis or marijuana, hemp does not contain any psychoactive compound THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) found in those plants. Hemp is a separate type of cannabis called cannabis sativa.
Psychoactive compound THC is restricted to under 0.3% in hemp, allowing various industries to fully capitalize on its other advantages, such as for supplement production.
Research shows that about 25% of each hemp seed is protein, while the fat content is roughly 10%, making it a great source for creating plant-based protein.
Now, hemp protein nutrition comes down to 120 calories, 2g fat, and 12g protein per 1/4 cup (30g). It also has a great 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and does not contain any cholesterol. Making it leagues better compared to other options, such as whey protein.
Hemp Protein Benefits That Make It Super Food!
Okay, now that you understand what it is, it’s time we go over awesome advantages. Here are the top 4 hemp protein benefits, that we believe, make hemp protein a superfood.

Benefits of Hemp Protein
1. It’s Much Easier to Digest
First and foremost, one of the greatest advantages of hemp protein powder is that it is just extremely easy to digest, which is a primary source of pain with other protein supplements, like whey protein.
Due to the content of edestin and albumin embedded in hemp, your body can digest this protein efficiently. Studies indicate that 91–98% of the protein in hemp seed that is ground is human-digestible, and humans can utilize nearly all the amino acids in hemp protein powder for vital functions in the body, including repair and maintenance. This compares to lentils.
2. It Offers Ton of Minerals and Antioxidants
Thanks to the incredible all natural properties of the hemp plant, its protein form ensures provides calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and even magnesium.
What’s more, Antioxidants protect your body from oxidative damage. Lowering the risk of ever contracting illnesses including heart disease and diabetes.
3. Perfect for High Fiber Intake
Often with both milk-based proteins like whey protein and plant-based protein powders such as soy, pea, and rice, you have to sacrifice fiber to get a good amount of protein.
However, with hemp, you do not have to choose one at all. Hemp protein powder is a great way to add both protein and fiber to your diet.
High-fiber hemp protein has been linked to many health benefits, including improved blood sugar, healthier gut bacteria, and a reduced risk of bowel cancer.
Perfect for encouraging healthier gut bacteria, which can improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Every 1/4 cup (30 grams) contains about 7–8 grams of fiber and provides 18–28% of the recommended daily intake (RDI).
4. Quite Rich in Amino Acids
The human body starts to lose its ability to function properly due to a decreased capacity to regulate the nervous system, brain function, and repair muscle cells. This functionality is controlled by 20 amino acids within the body.
Hemp products of all forms, including hemp seeds and hemp protein, are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and they help maintain high ability for a long life.
5. Great for Daily Vitamins and Minerals
Similarly, hemp protein is great for getting vitamins and minerals. With iron, magnesium, and manganese, hemp gets your body in top working condition and wards off disease. And it packs a big punch of potassium too—three tablespoons of hemp seeds yield 360 milligrams. That is equal to spinach and oranges times two!
While protein powders like whey supplements have always been an industry favorite, it is quite clear that the Indian consumer no longer wishes to ignore its unfavorable aspects. Plant-based proteins like hemp protein are a perfect alternative to make the switch without losing anything.
Hopefully, armed with the knowledge above, you will be able to clear up some doubts about hemp protein nutrition and how it stacks up against others. We highly recommend that you make the switch if you haven’t done so already.
Stay updated with the latest insights on hemp-based nutrition, sustainability, and industry trends at Times of Hemp – your go-to source for everything hemp!